Adoption Gallery

All the cats have been rescued independently by our volunteers, for more details please contact the rescuer, they can inform you about their adoption fees and answer any questions you may have, there is an email address provided after the cats' description.

Please also read Adopting a cat, a big commitment, to ensure you meet the adoption requirements prior to contacting us, we obviously want to find the best match for our rescued cats. 



Leo the miracle cat has fully recovered from being run over and left for dead. Currently in foster and doing really well but now looking for his forever home. He is about 2 years old, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. He is incredibly affectionate. Anyone want to adopt this gorgeous boy?
Please contact Emma on:



Bert was born in August 2017 and rescued from the colony outside my house in Simaisma in November. He was in the clinic for about a month being treated for the calicivirus. He made a full recovery and became a very sweet, loving cat. He was best friends with Ernie at first, but now snuggles with all the cats and even loves the dog. He loves to cuddle and has the softest, sweetest meow when he wants attention!

  • Age: born August 2017
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Spayed/neutered: Yes
  • Good with children: Yes
  • Good with other cats: Yes
  • Good with dogs: Yes
  • RATT tested (for Europe adoption): Not yet. Willing to do this if a home in Europe is available, will cover travel costs if needed.
  • USA adoption: Yes, will cover travel costs if needed.

For more details please email Caitlin on



Ernie was born August 2017 and found at a colony in Al Waab that November. He had extreme flu that had compromised his vision and later also survived panleukopenia. He is truly a miracle cat!

He is now all grown up and has a sweet and funny personality. He is a little shy when meeting new people due to his limited vision, but quickly warms up and wants to snuggle and play. He gets along wonderfully with other cats and even loves the dog he is currently living with. After all that he has been through he now truly deserves to find his forever home.

  • Age: Born August 2017
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Spayed/neutered: Yes
  • Good with other cats: Yes
  • Good with dogs: Yes
  • Good with children: Yes
  • RATT tested (for Europe adoption): Not yet but willing to do this if a home in Europe is available, will cover travel costs if needed.
  • Available for adoption in the USA.

Lots more photos of Ernie and his recovery here 

For more details please email Caitlin on



Kareem is the most special cat I've ever met. My friend saved him from drowning in her pool in December 2017. He was blinded by a terrible infection (which turned out to be multiple). He spent many months at different vet clinics who tried tirelessly to find the source of his breathing problems and recurrent infections and came to foster with me in May. Eventually, we found out he had a cleft palate and was accepted to Petcode Hospital in Ankara, Turkey in November 2018. While undergoing surgery, it was discovered he had a large mass in his nose, which was benign and successfully removed. Kareem is now back with me and it's like he never left!

Kareem has an amazing personality because, through all of his trials, he was always super duper sweet and affection seeking, even with his numerous doctors. He jumps up, grabs your hands with your paws, and will even give a little gnaw on your hands if you don't pet him. He rubs on and cuddles with all the other cats and even the dog. He still has chronic rhinitis so he needs his nose cleaned daily, but he is very well behaved for it. He also makes funny snorting sounds so he isn't a quiet cat! However, he is NOT special needs as is an absolute joy to have due to his bubbly friendly personality.
  • Age: born August 2017
  • Vaccinated: Yes
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Spayed/neutered: Yes
  • Good with children: Yes
  • Good with other cats: Yes
  • Good with dogs: Yes
  • RATT tested (for Europe adoption): Not yet. Willing to do this if a home in Europe is available, will cover travel costs if needed.
  • USA adoption: Yes, will cover travel costs if needed.
For more details please email Caitlin on



Parker appeared out of nowhere in the basement  of an apartment block early on in the summer of 2020. He is very gentle, loves human touch and company. He is neutered and would love a home of his own, he doesn't want to live in the basement of a car park! The rescuer is willing to consider adoption abroad. Please contact



Meet gorgeous Winky. 

He was rescued by one of our volunteers and obviously was in a great deal of pain with his eye swollen and weeping, thank goodness the volunteer noticed him. Unfortunately there was no chance to save his eye but he is doing really well now and is in a great foster home but he needs a forever home. He is only 6 months old and so sweet, he is vaccinated and neutered. If you can give him his happy ending, please email: